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third-year student中文是什么意思

用"third-year student"造句"third-year student"怎么读"third-year student" in a sentence


  • 大学三年级生
  • "third"中文翻译    n. 1.〔the third〕第三。 2.第三者〔指人 ...
  • "year"中文翻译    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl. ...
  • "student"中文翻译    n. 1.(大)学生〔美国也指中学生〕;(大学、研究院的 ...
  • "a student in the third year" 中文翻译 :    三年级的学生
  • "third-year medical student" 中文翻译 :    三年级医学生
  • "first-year graduate student" 中文翻译 :    研一生
  • "first-year woman student" 中文翻译 :    大学一年级女生
  • "third year class two" 中文翻译 :    三年二班
  • "third-year class" 中文翻译 :    大学三年级
  • "as a student" 中文翻译 :    作为学生
  • "student" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.(大)学生〔美国也指中学生〕;(大学、研究院的)研究生;(牛津大学 Christ Church 的)公费研究生。 2.研究者;学者。 a student of life 研究生命问题的学者。 3.〔美俚〕初学者,初学吸毒的人。 a law student 法科学生。
  • "the student" 中文翻译 :    心动的感觉; 学生
  • "the third" 中文翻译 :    苍瞳少女; 苍之瞳的少女原声音乐; 苍之瞳的少女主题曲
  • "the third of the" 中文翻译 :    中谛
  • "third" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.〔the third〕第三。 2.第三者〔指人〕。 3.(时间或角度的)一秒的六十分之一。 4.〔the third〕(某月的)三日。 5.〔pl.〕【法律】归遗孀所有的亡夫遗产的三分之一。 6.【音乐】第三音;三度音程;三度和音。 7.(汽车的)第三档(速度)。 one third of the total 全体的三分之一。 two thirds 三分之二。 No third ever joined our conferences. 没有第三者曾参加我们的会议。 a major third 【音乐】大三度。 a third sex 不男不女的人;搞同性关系的人;阉人。 adv. 坐三等车(舱)。
  • "a year" 中文翻译 :    是一年
  • "for year" 中文翻译 :    保留1年
  • "in the year" 中文翻译 :    年但有时前面有用; 在一年里
  • "this year" 中文翻译 :    今年,本年度
  • "year" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl.〕年纪,年龄,岁数;〔pl.〕老年。 ★在表示岁数时, years 略去不说,如: He is five. 4.〔pl.〕多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代。 5.〔美俚〕= here. this [last, next] year 今[去,明]年。 the next year 次年,第二年,翌年。 every year 每年。 every other year 每隔一年,每二年。 Years bring wisdom. 年岁年岁增智增慧。 an astronomical [a solar, a natural, a tropical] year 太阳年。 the common year 平年。 the [a] leap year 闰年。 the year of grace [Christ, our Lord] 公元,耶稣纪元。 the fiscal year 会计年度。 the academic [school] year 学年。 old in years but young in vigour 年纪大但精力不衰。 He is young [old] for his years. 比年龄显得年轻[显得老]。 We had not met for years. 我们好几年没见面了。 a year and a day 【法律】满一年,一整年;〔戏谑语〕长时间。 all the year round 一年到头。 for years 好几年。 from year to year = year by year. in a year's time 经过一年。 in the year one 在公历元年;很久以前。 in years 上了年纪,年纪老;〔美国〕好几年。 of late years 近年。 over the years 长年累月。 the year round 〔美国〕= all the year round. year after year 一年一年地。 year by year 年年;逐年。 year in and year out 年年;不断地,始终,老是。
  • "year by year" 中文翻译 :    年年, 每年; 一年又一年; 逐年;每年
  • "year on year" 中文翻译 :    与上年数字相比的
  • "year to year" 中文翻译 :    一年年
  • "year-by-year" 中文翻译 :    年年的
  • "year-on-year" 中文翻译 :    年同比; 同期相比的


  • I am a third - year student at hubei academy of fine arts
  • The third - year student , who lived
  • The author is a third - year student at kharkov national university ukraine , focused on new ideas in web development and technical writing
  • The lingnanian career mentoring programme is part of student services centre s training programme geared to provide career and pre - vocational training for third - year students
  • Cherry cheung , another third - year student who worked in the bank of china group said that this programme was very meaningful as it allowed her to put her studies into practice
  • This year , a total of 35 alumni excelling in different areas of profession have committed to be the programme s mentors . they will guide 60 third - year students , with each mentor supervising 1 2 mentees
  • The five lingnan undergraduates were : au yeung wing kit , third - year bachelor of business administration honours ; ho kin shing , ho kin suen and ngai tsz yiu , all second - year students in the same programme ; and lam kwan yat , a third - year student from the department of philosophy . noting that consumers were becoming immune to conventional advertising channels , the five students came up with an idea of establishing a zero ad enterprise using laser - printed eggs as their medium . the eye - catching end result was an innovative new low - cost advertising channel that would get clients messages into almost every home in hong kong
    五位岭大同学有见于鸡蛋是一般家庭经常购买的基本食粮之一,而消费者对于一般的推广渠道如电视报章及电台广告已渐见生腻,因此他们想到透过成立思路广告zero ad的创新企业,利用激光技术将广告印在鸡蛋壳上,以为客户带来低成本直接而又高效益的市场推广服务此外,广告更可同时印于以可循环再做的有机物料制成的包装胶盒上,在既能收到宣传效用之馀,也合符环保原则。
  • Currently a third - year student of the business administration faculty , kitty will go on a year exchange at uc davis after the summer session . she is a member of the cuhk outstanding business students academy and has taken part in case competitions and a number of activities during her studies at cuhk
  • Through the programme , students will acquire knowledge beyond classroom teaching as the programme allows them to put their studies into practice . it is also a good chance to learn develop interpersonal relationship at work . " freda ng yat - kwan , a third - year student who worked in pricewaterhousecoopers last year shared her experience with the guests , " very often , students are treated as cheap labour and are only assigned to minor duties such as filing and making photocopies during their summer job
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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